วันศุกร์ที่ 16 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2551

..Morphology of a butterfly..

Morphology of a butterfly: adult lepidopteran insect with wings covered with fine scales of various colors.
Apex: point of the butterfly's wing.
Outer margin: outer part of the wing.
Nerve: projecting line on the wing.
Cell: part of the butterfly's wing outlined by the wing veins.
Fore wing: foremost appendage of aerial locomotion of a butterfly.
Hind wing: rear appendage of aerial locomotion.
Thorax: central part of a butterfly's body.
Hind leg: rear appendage of a butterfly used for terrestrial locomotion.
Abdomen: rear part of a butterfly's body.
Segment: one of the portions of a butterfly's body.
Middle leg: middle appendage of a butterfly used for terrestrial locomotion.
Nail: pointed nail of a butterfly.
Tarsus: last part of the leg.
Tibia: middle part of the leg.
Femur: first part of the leg.
Fore leg: front appendage of a butterfly used for terrestrial locomotion.
Proboscis: elongated mouth part of a butterfly.
Compound eye: complex sight organ.
Head: foremost part of the body of a butterfly.
Antenna: organ of touch of a butterfly.
Costal margin: projecting line on the side of a butterfly's wing
